Birth Cert of Rueben gives occ as Labourer at Ship Building Yard
Marriage Certificate held occupation shown as labourer Father Occupation
quoted as a Flatman
1881 Census for Oulton Cum SeacombeAddress Victoria Road
Surname Forename Rel Marital Age Sex Occupation Born Ref
Atherton Robert Head M 75 M General Labourer CHS Winsford 3591 150 23 1341859
Atherton Lydia Wife M 53 F CHS Over
Atherton Rueben Son U 16 M Pupil Teacher+ CHS Wallasey
Atherton Selina Dau 15 F Scholar CHS Wallasey
Atherton Frances Dau 10 F Scholar CHS WallaseySource 1881 Census Index
See DOC/110 re details of Grave