Traced on St Catherines House Registry 4th Quarter 1864 Copy Cert BXBZ579280
Birkenhead re Birth
Marriage 2nd Quarter 1891 ref 8a 611 Chester Cert No MX 726353
Death June 1933 ref 8a 446 Chester Aged 68
Marriage Witnessed by Selina Atherton, J Siddall J Gammon W H Downing Gwynydd
Mary GranthamFor Obituary see DOC/034
The Observer July 8 1938
" The Late Mr Rueben AthertonFuneral at St Mary's Handbridge
There was a large attendance at the funeral, which took place on Saturday, of Mr Rueben Atherton, the vetern schoolmaster and town councillor of Chester. The Rev A W Sarson conducted the service in St Mary's-on-the-hill Church, and the choir was present, including a number of former pupils of Mr Atherton. Mr A C Kendrick, the organist (who succeeded Mr Atherton as Headmaster of St Mary's Boys School), played Schuberts "Litnay", Elergy" (Hollins) and "O rest in the Lord" before the service. The Hymns were "Fight the Good Fight", " As with gladness Men of Old" and the "Nune Dimittis" was sung.
The Morners were: Mr & Mrs W D Atherton, Miss Beryl Atherton, Mrs Nathan, Miss Taylor, Mr Geo A Nathan, Mr & Mrs M Cooke, Mrs McAplin, Mr W E Bennett, Miss Orme, Miss Edge, Mr Manifold, Mr R E Taylor, the Rev A E Sarson, Mr F G Nichols, Mr A G Nichols (representing Mr & Mrs F E Lewcock), Mrs Hedley, Mr Geo Taylor and Mrs McAlin."
See Doc/035 for full text
See DOC/110 re Grave details
Probate Register Extracts (National Probate Register)
Year: 1933 Surname: Atherton
Date of Death: Forname: Rueben
27th June 1933
Probate Registered: 8 Overleigh Road
27th June 1933 Handbridge
Probate Office:
Chester Place of Death if different;Effects:
£2327 15s 1dExecutors:
George Affred Nathan Insurance Broker and William Harrison Bennett
Bank AccountantNotes:
Source Winchester CRO 19th July 1997
Traced on St Catherines House Registry Death 14.10,1909 ref 8a 226 Chester
Aged 47 yearsThe Observer October 23 1909
"The Late Mrs R Atherton
On Monday St Mary's parish, Chester mourned the loss of Mrs Atherton, only a short time ago headmistress of the Girl's School. For nearly twenty three years she occupioed this important position, which she filled most efficiently and to the satisfaction of those heads of education who evidenced their appriciation of her worth by attending her funeral. It was a touching sight, those many children assembled in God's House to shew their love and respect to her who had trained their young minds to live noble lives, and by example helped them upwards and onwards. Mrs Atherton assisted willingly in every movement for the good of the parish generally, and of the children in particular, who will undoubtly rise up and call her blessed! Much sympathy is shown to Mr Atherton and his son in their great loss."
See DOC/036 for full details.
See DOC/110 re details of Grave
Probate Register Extracts (National Probate Register)
Year: 1909 Surname: Atherton
Date of Death: Forname: Elizabeth
14th October 1909
Probate Registered: 8 Overleigh Road
22nd October 1909 Handbridge
Probate Office:
Chester Place of Death if different;Effects:
£263 8s 2dExecutors:
Reuben Atherton Schoolmaster
Notes:Source Winchester CRO 19th July 1997